
Smart Healthcare System

Machine Learning, Computer Vision

  • Developed an end-to-end website and an application to make technology more useful in solving problematic healthcare challenges by diagnosing various symptoms, analyzing data, and then predicting the diseases
  • Built models to predict Myopia, Color Blindness, PCOD, and to generate heart rate using head motions in video and predict the probability of Coronary Heart Disease

Car Damage Detection

Machine Learning, Computer Vision

  • Developed an intelligent system using TensorFlow to predict the repairing cost of the damage by locating and recognizing the severity of the damage.
  • Employed transfer learning and fine-tuned the VGG16 model to achieve an accuracy of 86%.

Federated Machine Learning based Bank-Customer Churn Analysis

Machine Learning

  • Built a robust Multilayer Perceptron model using the Federated Machine Learning approach providing an accuracy of 96% for Bank Churn Prediction and solved the problem of the imbalanced dataset used by upsampling it
  • Presented a deep analysis of the advantages of Federated Machine Learning concerning the accuracy, transmission time, and computation cost

DJCSI Official Website

Full Stack Web Development

  • Built the official website of DJCSI (The official student chapter of Computer Society of India at my college) using React.js

E-commerce Website

Full Stack Web Development

  • Developed a fully functional e-commerce website with end-to-end functionality and designed the database schema and managed the database
  • Built and designed algorithms for key features like Advance Searching, Cart management, PayPal payment integration, Wishlist, Order Tracking, and Reviews and Ratings

FindIt – A solution for lost and found items

Full Stack Web Development

  • Constructed the backend using Node.js for an application that allows civilians to upload the data of lost items and search for their lost items.
  • Formed an admin portal using React and Node.js for organizations, that have lost and found departments, where admins can perform verification of the lost items and give them to the owners.
  • Included key features that include a real-time chat box, rightful owner verification, and data analytics